Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Reminder that tonight is Children's Holy Hour at 7:30 in the main church of St. Peter's.
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Don't forget to bring the items that you want Fr. Ivan and Fr. David to bless tomorrow! They'll pass by to bless the items you bring to class tomorrow.
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Remember NO SCHOOL MONDAY! See you Tuesday!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for today:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight: 4th Grade: Religion-- Family Life books pg. 13 and 14 Activities Math-- Wkbk pg. 60 Science-- Checkpoint questions pgs. 149 & 151 (3 Total) 5th Grade: Math-- Wkbk pg. 50 Science-- Checkpoint Questions pgs. 149 & 150 Have a great night! Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone!
No homework for anyone tonight!
Hello everyone! Reminder that TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the rectory's basement Fr. David will be hosting the Posadas, a fun night that will begin the countdown to the birth of Christ on Christmas!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Here’s the homework for tonight:
4th grade—
Math--Hello everyone,
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Here’s the homework for the weekend:
Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Happy First Week of Advent, may we focus this week on the Hope that the King of Heaven will bring us!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! I am doing two in one today. I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and a wonderful rest this weekend.
There is no homework for the Thanksgiving break. I am grateful for you all!Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for this weekend:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! A reminder that we will have our fundraiser meeting tomorrow in the Gym at 3:15.
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello Parents!
This Wednesday at 3:15 in the Gym we will have a meeting for any parents who have ideas or who would like to help the school with all things fundraising!Hello everyone!
Announcement!!!!Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Reminder that all homework will be checked on Monday.
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Reminder!!! Please consider sending in donations for the food drive in the form of nonperishables (canned food, boxed food, etc. Anything would be great!
Here's the homework for tonight:
Hello everyone! Here's the homework for today:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Sorry for the late post today.
Here’s the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for the weekend:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
Hello everyone!
Today starts the beginning of Red Ribbon Week-- a whole week dedicated to celebrated a life of no violence, bullying, and drugs!Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone!
Announcement!!Hello everyone!
Here is the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone!! Reminder that there will be NO SCHOOL Monday 10/14 and Tuesday 10/15. On Wednesday we will begin wearing our Winter Uniforms. Anyone wearing Fall/Spring uniforms will be sent a slip home per school policy.
Here's the homework for this weekend:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Happy Feast of our Lady of the Holy Rosary!! The rosary is a powerful prayer that has persisted for many years and has brought many souls closer to heaven in many ways. I encourage all students to try and pray at least one decade of the rosary today (1 Our Father and 10 Hail Marys) and ask our Mother to be our guide to her Son, Jesus Christ.
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! There is a 12:30 Dismissal tomorrow, no lunch and no aftercare tomorrow.
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone!
REMINDER!!!Hello everyone!
Reminder!!Hello everyone! I hope Zara and Gael have a wonderful birthday weekend!!
Reminder!!! Clubs will begin on Monday starting with Handball Club.Hello everyone! Sorry for the late post on yesterday's homework. Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Please consider joining the school community at our Pasta Night Fundraiser! All funds earned will go to help our school. Please send in forms no later than September 30th.
Reminder!!!Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone!
Reminder!!! We are having gym tomorrow, all students need to be in their gym uniforms with their sneakers.
Here's the homework for today:Hello everyone! Many in the classroom are getting very little done because of distractions after being corrected. Whatever is not finished in the classroom will be for homework.
Here's the homework:Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for today:Hello everyone!
Reminder!!!!Hello everyone!
Reminder!!!Hello everyone! A reminder that tomorrow we will be having Gym class. So please be in your gym uniform!
Here's the homework for tonight:Hello everyone! A reminder... many of you owe me late homework. I am giving you another chance to hand it in on Monday and that is it. After that it will be graded as a zero. Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:Hello everyone! A reminder that all students MUST be in school uniform. School shirts, pants, and dress shows. Also, Gym class will begin Tuesday next week. Please be sure to wear gym uniforms on that day.
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:4th Grade
Workbook pg. 1
Vocabulary words in notebooks. Find the words on pg. 3
Social Studies--
[Due Wednesday] Lesson 1 Review #1-5 pg. 155th Grade
I am so excited to be back for a new school year and I hope you all are too!Hello everyone!
The homework for all classes is to study for your incoming exams. The exam schedule is as follows:
5/28 Tuesday -- Math (Done)
5/29 Wednesday -- Language Arts
5/30 Thursday -- Religion
5/31 Friday -- Reading
6/3 Monday -- Science
Please be sure to study hard and to end the year off great!
Have a great night.
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melende
Hello everyone! Reminder that school will be closed tomorrow and on Monday there will be no school because of Memorial Day.
Here's the exam schedule for the upcoming week:
5/28 Tuesday -- Math
5/29 Wednesday -- Language Arts
5/30 Thursday -- Religion
5/31 Friday -- Reading
6/3 Monday -- Science
4th Grade:
Finish the assigned pages from chapters 5-10 in preparation for the Final Exam on Tuesday.
To review for the Religion Final Exam please go to the website:
(You can copy and paste this to google)
A Science exam review will be provided in the following week.
Social Studies--
For those wondering where is the Social Studies exam, the Wax Museum presentations will be used as a final exam grade.
5th Grade:
Finish the assigned pages from chapters 5-10 in preparation for the Final Exam on Tuesday.
A Science exam review will be provided in the following week.
Have a great and restful weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone! Today's picture is an actual photo of yesterday's night sky which I saw last night! This is the Big Dipper constellation that we spoke about in class. It is seen in the Northern Hemisphere, so try to look for it tonight :)
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 125
15 Facts on pgs. 335-337
Checkpoint Questions for all of Lesson 4 (pgs. 332-337)
test tomorrow, chapter 12
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 122
Finish writing vocab words for chapter 16 if not finished in class.
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade--
Workbook pg. 123
Complete the following unfinished work:
1) Read and write 15 facts for pgs. 328-331.
2) Checkpoint questions for Lesson 3
3) Design a compare and contrast diagram for Mixture and Solution.
5th Grade--
Workbook pg. 119
Have a great day,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 121
20 Notes pgs. 322-324
Social Studies--
Color and label Central American and South American maps.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 118
Here's the link for the song:
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
No homework for tonight.
Please be back at the school at 6:30 pm tonight for the SPRING CONCERT!!!!!
It should be an awesome night!
Also reminder that tomorrow is Field Day. Even though it will be running we will make the most of the day and have some awesome fun!
Please bring your GYM UNIFORM for the day.
See you later!!
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Study for Chapter 9 Test
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 115
Do checkpoint questions for Chapter 16
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Social Studies--
Finish Wax Museum Projects and hand in for tomorrow
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 113
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 118
Social Studies--
Finish Speeches and Boards
5th Grade:
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 116
Study for the test tomorrow.
If you need help with your study guide please email me:
[email protected]
Social Studies--
Work on and finish your Wax Museum
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 113
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Test tomorrow
Workbook pg. 116
Social Studies--
Continue to finish your Wax Museum projects.
Both the Poster Board AND the Speeches. Practice, practice, practice at home, please.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 112
Read pgs. 519-520
Write 20 facts in notebooks
Write in your notebooks where you describe how the color of a star relates to its heat.
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
Workbook pg. 115.
Checkpoint questions pgs. 534-537 (Lesson 4).
Social Studies--
Work on the Wax Museum speech and time yourself at home. Work on poster board as well.
Wax Museum is on Friday, May 3rd at 4:00 pm-5:30 pm. Taco Night will be right after the Wax Museum.
That Friday will also be a 12:30 dismissal.
Finish on the one-point perspective for Monday.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 106
Checkpoint questions 515-517 (Lesson 1)
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 114
Social Studies--
Finish Wax Museum Speech for tomorrow
Work on Poster Board.
Checkpoint questions Lesson 3 pgs. 528-533
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 110
Have a great day!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 113
Checkpoint Questions for all of Lesson 2 pgs. 522-527
Social Studies--
Work on speech for Wax Museum and Poster Board
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 109
Vocabulary on pg. 509
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone! Sorry I forgot to post homework yesterday... hopefully everyone checks today.
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 112
Social Studies--
Please make sure all Wax Museum Research is finished for Wednesday.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 108
In case anyone checks the blog today:
the Secret Message is.....
"My rock candy is grape flavored?"
Have a great day off!
Yours In Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for this weekend:
4th Grade:
Social Studies--
Work on Wax Museum research for Monday
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 110
Read pgs. 518-521
Write 20 notes
Complete checkpoint questions for those pages
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 106
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 109
Social Studies--
Presentation Quiz tomorrow on pgs. 140-143.
Must include ONLINE research in presentation notes.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 105
Study for Chapter 10 open-book Test tomorrow.
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone, I hope you get to enjoy this beautiful weather!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Study for Chapter 10 test tomorrow
Workbook pg. 107
Study for Chapter 17 test tomorrow
Social Studies--
Finish research on Wax Museum person by Friday
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 103
Finish notes for pgs. 314-317 and complete checkpoint questions for Lesson 3.
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here is the homework for this weekend:
4th Grade:
Read pgs. 503-505
Complete all checkpoint questions for Lesson 2.
Write 20 notes in total.
Social Studies--
Continue thinking of ideas to share during the constitutional convention.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 102
Read pgs. 310-313
Complete 15 notes in total.
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
11 April 2024
As everyone may know 4th Grade's Learner Rewards System has grown a lot throughout this school year. With a combination of my ideas, along with the students' ideas, the system has grown to include classroom aspects like Shop, Loans, Rent, Court Days, Presidential Elections, etc.
Today we have begun to bring the power back to the people, aka the 4th grade students. In Social Studies we have learned that the states gathered together to create their constitution full of these representatives' opinions and ideas.
In this 4th Grade Constitutional Convention, the students have all chosen a state and will make decisions in the classroom whether it be lowering rent, changing rewards, or finding more efficient ways to communicate.
Day 1 of the Convention went incredibly well led by President Stephanie Rosa and Vice President Pedro Maldonado. I am beyond impressed to see how the class was able to speak and communicate better than most political figures in today's Congress.
I cannot wait to see what the finished 4th Grade Constitution will look like!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
P. S.-- Homework is found below
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Finish Chapter 8 Review pg. on 290
Chapter 8 Test tomorrow
Finish 20 notes for pages 500-502.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 101
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 106
Checkpoint questions on pg. 495, 497, and 499
Including the Cause and Effect question on 499
Social Studies--
Read pgs. 134-137 in the textbook and write 15 notes in notebooks.
5th Grade:
Checkpoint questions ONLY on pgs. 307 & 309
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone and welcome back from Easter break! I hope everyone had a blessed time full of graces!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Write chapter 17 vocabulary on flashcards found on pg. 490.
5th Grade:
Chapter 8 Test tomorrow
The time has come..... the Secret Message is:
Is the moon really made of cheese?
If anyone is free to come to tonight's Children's Holy Hour in the Main Church tonight at 7:30 pm, then you will receive extra credit on your next test!
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 104
5th Grade:
Have a great day!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 103
Chapter 5 Presentations for tomorrow. This will be a quiz grade.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg 100
Textbook pg. 286-287 up until number 14.
Have a good night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for the weekend:
4th Grade:
Social Studies--
Read pgs. 124-129 and write 15 notes on those pages.
Read Lesson 4 pgs. 156-161 and write 20 notes on those pages.
Complete Checkpoint questions for Lesson 4.
5th Grade--
Workbook pg. 99
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 102
Social St.--
Pick 2 names for Wax Museum
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 99
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Textbook pg. 279 questions 16-39.
Finish classwork if not finished in class:
1) Read pgs. 152-155
2) Write 20 notes from the lesson
3) Answer checkpoint questions
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 98
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello 5th Grade:
For those having trouble sending me their video projects, I think I have found a way to get them to me with minimal headache.
You will need to create a Dropbox account either on the application on your phone or online at https://www.dropbox.com/.
All you have to do is upload the video to your Dropbox account and send me an invite link.
Go here to learn how to upload a video to Dropbox:
Go here to learn how to send an invite link to me:
Hopefully this helps and does not give too much trouble
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
PSA: In the Main Church of St. Peter's there will be a parish penitential at 7:45 which will involve the sacrament of Confession. This is a wonderful opprtunity to reconcile ourseleves to the Lord and return our gaze to heaven as we approach Holy Week!
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 100
Social Studies--
Write 15 notes for both classes of Social Studies:
1) 15 notes for pgs. 104-108
1) 15 notes for pgs. 109-111
-> (30 Notes in Total)
Due on Wednesday
Read and write 15 important notes on Lesson 1 of Capter 5.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 96
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
Workbook pg. 97
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Angel of God
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 94
Have a great day!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Memorize the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Angel of God prayer for Friday.
Workbook pg. 97
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 93
Read Lesson 5 in textbooks
Complete mineral diagrams due tomorrow
= Do not use any of the minerals from the chart in the lesson.
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for today:
Workbook pg. 96
Test Tomorrow
Social Studies--
Finish research on your inspired women for tomorrow
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 92
1) Read Lesson 4 pgs. 276-281
2) Write 10-20 Notes
3) Checkpoint Questions for Lesson 4
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
1) Finish Unit 5 Review
2) Memorize Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Angel of God prayers for Test on Quiz on Friday.
Finish workbook pg. 95 if not finished in class
Study for open-book Test tomorrow.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 91
Complete Checkpoint Questions on pgs. 273 and 275
Tonight is Children's Holy Hour with Father David in the main church. For any students who come to the holy hour, I will be giving 3 extra credit points on any test. I will be there so I see who shows up tonight at 7:30 pm.
See you there :) !!
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for this weekend:
4th Grade:
Chapter 4 Open-Book Test on Tuesday
5th Grade:
Prepare Lesson 1 & 2 Presentations for Monday
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Complete pg. 260 if not finished in class
Study for Chapter 7 Test TOMORROW!
Study for 10 Commandments Test TOMORROW!
1) Read Lesson 4 pgs. 124-129
2) Write at least 10 facts.
3) Complete checkpoint questions pgs. 125, 127, & 129.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Continue to study the 10 Commandments for your vocal TEST on FRIDAY.
1) Workbook pg. 94
2) Math Test on Friday
1) Read pgs. 118-123.
2)Checkpoint questions AND Cause and Effect questions on pgs. 119, 121 and 123.
ATTENTION: There is NO tutoring tomorrow!
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 90
Chapter 9 Vocabulary
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Social Studies--
Prepare presentations with ONLINE research due tomorrow
Study for 10 Commandments Test on Friday
5th Grade--
Workbook pg. 89
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Heads Up for the Week--
4th Grade
1) You have a big presentation that is due on Wednesday on the two topics that you chose from your textbook today.
- Remember that it will be graded as a Quiz grade.
Presentation Rubric:
1) Did you do research that is NOT from the book? (Internet, library books, etc.)
2) How well did you present?
3) How organized was your presentation?
4) Seriousness while presenting
2) Math test on Chapter 7 will be on Friday.
3) Religion 10 Commandments Vocal Test is on Friday.
Please show responsibility inside AND outside of school to make sure you do well with each exam!!!
5th Grade
Math Chapter 7 Test on Friday
Science Test TOMORROW
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 92
Chapter 8 Test on Friday
Checkpoint Questions and Sequence Questions on pgs. 111 and 113
Study for 10 Commandments Test on Friday
Social Studies--
Prepare presentation for Wednesday
5th Grade:
Workbook pg.
Use the study guide and study for Chapter 8 Test tomorrow
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's your homework for the weekend:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 90
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 86
Checkpoint questions pgs. 247 and 249.
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
For those who did it in class, you have no Math homework. For those who did not finish it or do it homework is:
Workbook pg. 89
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 86
Checkpoint questions pgs. 247 and 249
Have a good night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 88
Due to Printer Malfunction, Ch. 3 Test has been moved to tomorrow. I am expecting everyone to be very familiar with all this time.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 85
Checkpoint questions on pgs. 243-245
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Study for the Chapter 4 test on Tuesday.
Reminder! You have a VERY detailed study guide. If you can get through the study guide and go over the questions and answers you WILL get a good grade. Work hard!!!
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 84
1) Read pg. 241 and write down notes
2) Complete checkpoint and draw conclusion questions on pgs. 238 and 241
Have a good night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone:
Here's the homework for the weekend:
4th Grade:
1) Read pgs. 90-95 and write notes on those pages
2) Complete Checkpoint Questions on 91, 93, and 95.
3) Begin studying for Chapter 4 Test which will be on Tuesday. I would begin by learning the vocabulary and reviewing the checkpoint questions from all the lessons of chapter 4.
Remember!! Learning how to study is a CRUCIAL skill that will help you through every stage of school. Don't leave everything for the last minute!!! Study guides will be handed out on Monday 2/26.
5th Grade:
Finish pg. 83 using Mean, Mode, Median, and Range.
If you don't remember them and did not remember to take your notebook, please go online and search each one up. Enough people are teaching it on YouTube, you'll find it.
1) Complete checkpoint and Draw Conclusion questions on pgs. 234-237.
2) Read pgs. 236-237 and write important notes in a notebook.
I will be handing out your Weather Report Project instructions on Monday.
Have a great weekend,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone:
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 85
Checkpoint questions on pgs. 84, 87, and 89.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 83
Have a good night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 82
Social Studies--
Read pgs. 64-67 and write a total of 10 facts from the readings. Due Wednesday
Complete the study guide and study for the Chapter 2 test tomorrow.
5th Grade:
Complete the study guide and study for the Chapter 7 test tomorrow.
Reminder for all classes!!!
At 7:30 in the main church, Fr. David will have the parish's monthly children's holy hour. Those who come will receive extra credit for the upcoming tests!
Have a great night!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Math Ch. 4 Test on Thursday
Social Studies--
Study for Ch. 5 Test on Wednesday. Complete and review your study guide.
Study for Ch. 7 Test on Wednesday. Complete and review your study guide.
5th Grade:
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
A reminder that tomorrow is Parent-Teacher Conferences. Those forms that were brought in were returned home with the times of the conferences. Please review them and please be prompt when arriving as meetings are back to back. If there are any problems don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
Have a good night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here is the homework for tonight,
4th Grade:
Complete questions on pg 202-203 for additional practice before tomorrow's test.
Read pgs. 22-23. Complete checkpoint questions on pgs. 33.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 60
Complete the study guide and go over it for the test tomorrow.
The Secret Phrase is... Is this snowflake spicy?
Tell me the secret phrase tomorrow to receive your reward :)
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
I am sorry for not posting the last two days. Got everything squared away and we're ready to get going :) .
Here's your homework,
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 64
Begin studying for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 Quiz on Monday
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 52
Begin studying for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 Quiz on Monday
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight,
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 71
Science Test Tomorrow: Ch. 1
5th Grade:
Complete questions on pgs. 200, 202-203 to review questions for Math Test tomorrow.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Finish colored Gothic Architecture. Bring them in on Monday.
Study for Test on Monday.
5th Grade:
Study for Ch. 3 Test on Monday.
Study for Lesson 2 & 3 Test on Monday.
REMINDER!!! Next week we have a half-day (12:30 Dismissal)!
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Dear Parents,
Thank you so much for your patience, our lovely Ms. Mary has figured out the problem. I hope that this past week without communication from me has not been too difficult, but we're ready to move-- full speed ahead!
On this page, I will write almost everything about the classroom (homework), important information, updates on the students' work, and different events happening in and around the school. So please check this page for updates!
Speaking of the Special Schedule:
Monday: None
Tuesday: Gym and Computers
Wednesday: Spanish
Thursday: Music
Friday: Art
You'll hear from me again later today but as always reach out to me through my email, I tend to get back to you very timely. Thank you always and have a wonderful day.
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Ps. I've added some pictures from yesterday's class where we worked on group communication and presentation skills while continuing our Science focus on Gravity and Friction forces! Everyone did absolutely amazing, I was very impressed.
Hello everyone,
here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 67
Lesson Checkpoint Questions pgs. 19, 21, 23.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 56
1) Complete 3 paragraph essay if not completed:
1st paragraph on land ecosystems, 2nd paragraph on water ecosystems, and 3rd paragraph on prey versus predator relationships. Tomorrow is the last day I will accept them.
2) Checkpoint questions on pg. 145.
P.S. If you owe me missing work, tomorrow is the last day I will receive it. You have all been made aware of what you need to hand in to me.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 75
Spelling Bee In Class Tomorrow!
Church Readings continue practicing your readings
5th Grade--
Workbook pg. 69
This is a reminder that we continue Catholic School's Week tomorrow!
Crazy Sock Day
Open House (9 am-12 pm)
Penny Races (4th grade, let's get 5th and 2nd grade back haha)
Have a good night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone:
There is no homework for today.
A special thank you to all the students and parents who participated in Catholic School's Week in whatever form. It was an exciting and fun week and today was a triumph to end it all :).
Have a great Monday,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Math-- Workbook pg. 38.
Science-- Complete Electrical Circuit Diagram. Must be colored.
5th Grade:
Math-- Workbook pg. 38.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone:
Here's the homework for tonight,
4th Grade--
Workbook pg. 76
5th Grade--
Workbook pg. 73
Checkpoint Questions on pg. 199 and 201
Hello everyone,
I want to wish you and your families a blessed and joyful Thanksgiving. I thank God for all my students and I am so happy to have gotten to know each and every one of you! You are absolutely a gift sent from heaven. Please be safe this weekend and get lots of rest! I'll see you on Monday!
Here is your homework over the break,
4th Grade:
Study for Test on Monday (pushed)
Those of you that owe me missing work please have it ready for when I check it on Monday.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 41
Vocabulary Flashcards. Vocabulary found on pg. 66 (4 total).
Complete diagram of all 4 Earth systems on the paper provided. Be sure to label important facts.
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Happy All Saints Day!!!
Here's the Homework for today:
4th Grade:
Math: pg. 31
Social Studies: Study for the Chapter 3 Test tomorrow. Please study your notes, vocabulary words, and scale map.
5th Grade:
Math: pg. 31
Science: Complete vocabulary words on pg. 26 on flashcards. If you do not have flashcards, cut out pieces of paper and write the word on the front and the definition on the back.
Have a wonderful night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Social Studies--
Study for 3-Paragraph Written Ch. 1 Test on Monday
4th Grade Announcement:
Students were sent home with a test packet with the grades that have been graded this trimester which are already on your PowerSchool accounts. Any grade 79 or lower will be signed by a parent and returned NO LATER THAN MONDAY. Any test 80 or higher can be kept.
5th Grade:
Study for Chapter 6 Test on Monday
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight,
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 74
Social Studies--
Work on presentations. Due TOMORROW!
Complete Checkpoint questions if not completed during the class period.
REMINDER: For those who would like to read for when we lead the First Friday mass on February 2nd, the day for auditions is tomorrow. Please practice your readings.
Catholic School's Week begins next week with the Sunday mass on the 28th at 8:30 am. Please see the flyer sent home with all of the events that will be taking place.
5th Grade--
Workbook pgs. 65-66
Make sure you bring a homework notebook to class tomorrow. If you are not prepared there will be a consequence for not being prepared for class.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight,
4th Grade:
workbook pg. 50
Math Ch. 4 Test on Thursday
Social Studies--
Study for Ch. 5 Test on Wednesday
Study for Ch. 7 Test on Wednesday
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 46
Vocabulary on Flashcards pg. 96
Have a good night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 78
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 77
1.) Read pgs. 206 and 207
2.) Complete Checkpoint and Sequence questions on pg. 207.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Good afternoon everyone,
Homework for the weekend.
4th Grade:
Math: Study for Math Test on Monday. Go over questions found on pages 90, 92, 93. If you don't understand or remember the topic go through your notes! This will not be graded but is highly recommended you do some of the questions, it will help you study.
Art: Finish Collumn drawings (see picture on left for references if needed).
5th Grade:
Math: Study for Math Test on Monday. Go over questions found on pages 90, 92, 93. If you don't understand or remember the topic go through your notes! This will not be graded but is highly recommended you do some of the questions, it will help you study.
Please enjoy your weekend you'll all do great on Monday,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Math-- workbook pg. 37
Science-- complete vocabulary flashcards. Vocabulary words on pg. 48 and add vocabulary words SWITCH and VOLTAGE SOURCE. (7 Flashcards Total).
Social Studies-- complete vocabulary flashcards. Vocabulary words on pg. 94. All Terms, Places, Vocabulary. NO PEOPLE. (4 vocabulary words total).
5th Grade:
Math-- workbook pg. 37
Reminder!!! Children's Holy Hour is tonight at 7:30 in the church for those who would like to spend a moment with the Lord! I will see you there :).
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here is the homework for tonight:
Test on Monday.
Checkpoint questions in notebooks: pg. 11 #1; pg. 13 #1-2.
Social Studies--
Vocabulary words on flashcards pg. 144 NO PEOPLE.
Finish Self-Portraits.
5th Grade:
workbook pg. 50.
Textbook pg. 127 question 1 and 129 questions 1 and 2.
Have a great weekend,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's your homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
workbook pg. 49
Social Studies--
Lesson 3 Vocabulary on Flashcards pg. 126 (5 total)
Include Places, Vocabulary, Terms. No People, EXCEPT Thomas Jefferson.
5th Grade:
workbook pg. 44
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Complete all circled problems on pgs. 48-49 in workbook
Lesson 4 Quiz tomorrow
Social Studies--
Lesson 3 Review pg. 129 questions 1-5.
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight,
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 72
5th Grade--
Checkpoint questions on pgs. 167, 169, 171, and 173
167 and 171 have one question
169 and 173 have two questions
You should have 6 questions done for tomorrow.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for the weekend:
4th Grade:
complete hieroglyphics and secret message
5th Grade:
workbook pg. 36
Have a wonderful weekend
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
(P.S. Secret Message coming soon... :) )
Hello everyone,
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 60
Complete Checkpoint Questions 1-2 on pg 15 and Questions 1-3 on pg 17.
Lesson 3 Review Worksheet
Research a Saint and write down important facts to present in class.
5th Grade:
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's your homework:
4th Grade:
workbook pg. 48
Social Studies--
Lesson 2 Vocabulary on Flashcards pg. 120 (12 total)
Lesson 2 Review pg. 123 questions 1-5
5th Grade:
workbook pg. 42
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 68
Complete activities on pgs. 25-26
Checkpoint questions pgs. 25 and 27
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 57
Checkpoint questions on pgs. 147 and 149
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 80
Finish Ch. 4 Plant Diagram. Make sure it is colored and labeled.
5th Grade--
Workbook pg. 79
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pgs. 54-55.
Social Studies--
1) Lesson 1 Review pg. 140 Questions 1-5.
2) Vocabulary on flashcards pg. 136. All EXCEPT the People section. (14 total).
Both of these are due on Wednesday.
This Friday we will be creating self-portraits.
Please bring in:
1) Your own paints if you would like (not necessary)
2) A photograph of yourself you would like to paint.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 48
Dear Parents,
A gentle reminder that this Thursday is our Christmas concert at 7:00 pm. The students are expected to be at the school around 6:30-6:45 and we will walk over together to perform at the church. You definitely want to see the students, they're working very hard! I am very proud of them :).
The time has come.........
The Secret Message is: Pancakes and Chicken Tenders are the Bees Knees :)
Whisper this Secret Message to me, SECRETLY, and I'll give you your Secret Message Reward.
Have a wonderful night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for the weekend:
4th Grade:
Study for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 Test on Monday.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 52
Study for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 Test on Monday
P.S. If you need to contact me for anything, or for whatever question please copy and paste my email that is found on the school's website. If you click the link directly it will not reach me. Thank you :)
P.P.S. Stay safe this weekend. We have snow incoming!!!
Have a great weekend!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Study Spelling Words for Catholic School's Week Spelling Bee
Readers for Friday Mass please practice your readings.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 67
Study for the Chapter 6 Science Test on Monday.
Have a great weekend,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Dear Parents,
Tonight is the Christmas Concert at 7:00 pm in the Church. Our singers need to be at the SCHOOL no later than 6:30 pm. Once you drop the students off at the school you can find your seats in church.
Dress Codes:
Boys: Green and Red Shirt. Black Pants and Dress Shoes.
Girls: Red or Green Christmas dresses.
There is one homework: SING NICE AND LOUD!!!
See you later,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here is your homework:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 59.
Social Studies--
Lesson 2 Review Questions 1-5 pg. 147.
5th Grade:
Study for Math Test tomorrow. Practice problems on pg. 161.
A great way to prepare for the coming of our Lord is through the Sacrament of Healing: Reconciliation! Our students received the sacrament today and if any of their families are interested, the St. Peter's Penitential Celebration will be tonight at 7:30 in the main church.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here is your homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 65
Study for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 Test tomorrow
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 53
Study for Lessons 1, 2, and 3 Test tomorrow
Have a good night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 77
1. Read pgs. 56-57
2. Complete Checkpoint Questions on 55 and 57
3. Write important facts from pages 56-57.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 75 and 76
Checkpoint questions on 203 and 205.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here is the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 42.
Social Studies--
Study for Chapter 4 Test tomorrow. Please remember to review the notes we took in class and read over important facts from all lessons in Chapter 4.
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 40.
8 and 9 Times Tables Quiz Tomorrow.
Continue Reviewing for Science Lesson 2 and 3 Test on Monday.
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Congratulations to fifth grade on their first science experiment! I see some future scientists in the making. Keep up the good work!
Homework for tonight,
4th Grade
Math- workbook pg. 10
Remember!!! 5 or more, let it soar! 4 or less let it rest! When you round always find the next-door neighbor on the RIGHT side of the underlined digit. Please try your best and don’t get stressed. Circle the ones giving you trouble, and we’ll go over it tomorrow.
Religion- Word Search worksheet
Science- Quiz tomorrow on Lesson 1
5th Grade
Math- workbook pg. 9
If you haven't given me summer work tomorrow FRIDAY is the LAST DAY! After that, it is a zero.
Always remember to try your best and let’s learn together!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone:
Today is Parent-Teacher Conference Day. Please be reminded of your time slots! Any questions please contact me.
4th Grade:
Study for Ch. 4 Math Test tomorrow
5th Grade:
Have a great night,
See you soon parents,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
A letter was sent home with students today about our upcoming Pasta Night on Friday, October 6th, 2023 in the Cafeteria at 6:00 pm. Please come and enjoy a night of great food and fun with the Saint Peter's Community! Tickets cost $15/ person. Forms with ticket payment should be returned no later than October 2nd-- see you there!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Math-- Workbook pg. 41
5th Grade:
The Secret Message is: "Rabbits Love to Play Tennis"
Whisper the Secret Message to me to receive your reward!
Have a great night,
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone,
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
5th Grade:
Workbook pg. 47
Dear Parents,
It was a pleasure to see many of you yesterday! May the Lord bless our communications so that they will be fruitful for our students. Please be advised of notices sent home about next week's Winter Concert. I can't wait to see everyone there! The 4th and 5th grades have the best voices!!!
Happy Vigil of the Immaculate Conception!
Mother of Purity, pray for us!
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez
Hello everyone!
Here's the homework for tonight:
4th Grade:
Workbook pg. 44.
Social Studies--
Vocabulary flashcards (12 total) are due on Wednesday.
5th Grade:
Yours in Christ,
Mr. Melendez